Sunday, 3 March 2013

JAVA SCRIPT: Java Script Box's?


In this post i will explain java script boxes

Lets come...

Java Scrript box are clasified in three ways

  1. Input Box
  2. Warning Box
  3. Conform Box

Input Box 

  • Basically you get input from a user there are two ways in javascript
                        1. Use prompt method
                        2. Use html form element
  • Input box are used to get input from a user.  
  • Java script using 'promt' Its used get input from a user.


prompt("enter you text here",'');

You get input from a user using above syntax, and that value process another use you must assign varibale in following way

var a=prompt("enter A value",'');
var b=prompt("enter B value",'');


<script type="text/javascript">

function get()
var a=prompt("Enter the A value:",'');
var b=prompt("Enter the B value:",'');
var c=parseInt(a)+parseInt(b);
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML="The Result is"+c;

<title>Untitled Document</title>


<h1 id="ans"></h1>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="get input" onclick="get()" />



The above example placed parseInt. parseInt is ised to convert string to integer. The prompt return input is a string if you use this value in calculation the way be concat the two values ex: 25,50 the answer reurn to 2550. But you must convert integer value. parseInt method convert the string to integer.

Warning Box:

  • Javascript warning box used to warn the user.
  • And also used to like message box.
  • Javascript it achives alert method.




The body loaded time msg box will apper you call the function in onload event. the function just write the above method.

<script type="text/javascript">
function show()
alert("Wlcome to my blog");
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<body onload="show()">

Output is:
Confirm Box:

  • Confirm box are used to confirm the user input. If may be change any value we can use confirm box.
  • Confirm box return Boolean(true/false)
  • Confirm box apper in ok cancel button, you may select ok it return true, select cancel it return false,


confirm("enter you text here");


<script type="text/javascript">
function get()
var c=confirm("do you want any change");
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML="You select OK";
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML="You select Cancel";
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<h1 id="ans"></h1>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="get input" onclick="get()" />

Output is:

The above three boxes are used to often in javascript. You want any place use this boxex

I hope this useful to you


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